A Tribute in Honor of:
Chak Wong
I dedicate this website to my father, Chak Wong, who passed away from cancer when I was 13 years old. Without him, I would not be who I am today. He was the most loving father anyone could have and though he might not be with us today physically, he will forever be in my heart.
This webpage is a collage of pictures that highlight life-changing events in my life; pictures that tell a tale. This site is still in the making, as is my life, so please be patient as it continues to develop.
Joe & Sonia's Wedding (March 3, 2003)
Regan & Kelly's Wedding (August 17, 2002)
Sonia in California (Summer of 1999)
Sonia in Europe(Summer of 2000)
My Mom and I (then and now)
Old roomie, Steph (College years)