
About the School

2006 Schedule

Vision Quest


The Earth Living Experience
Wilderness Living & Survival I

Wilderness Living & Survival II


Medicinal Aid Kits

Site Description

Lifeways Archives

Registration Form

The Lifeways Philosophy

Lifeways Earth Living School teaches through hands-on experience.  Our focus is on earth skills that inspire self-reliance, healthful living, awareness of self, conservation and appreciation of the earth, and respect of all life.  As a school, we seek to teach in a respectful and loving atmosphere in harmony with the earth and each other.  The emphasis is on LIVING with the earth, the skills, and in responsibility to self and others.
NEW 2006 Courses:
Neuro-Linguistics for Health
Vision Quest
Living Your Vision

Phone: (503) 351-8021
Last updated 3/06/06