Eriisa's Page
Welcome to my page. Here you can find out information about me, and send email to me, if you wish. Enjoy yourself!
My Bio
Eriisa is a Andorian female.. She was born on Startdate 7510.26, and entered Starfleet Academy on 9706.12. She graduated 2nd in her class (which was to her dismay - she worked hard and wanted to be first in her class, but that hotshot beat her to it,) and specializes in navagation and tactical. She currently serves aboard the USS Pudding under Captain Banana as a Lieutenant specializing on the Bridge Tactical Position.
Andorians are self-described as a violent and warlike species which has given her an advantage in tactical experiences prior to Starfleet. She has a reputation for remaining cool headed and in control in high stress situations.
She is a little more than 5 feet tall, quick and agile, with light blue skin, creamy white hair, small delicate bilateral antennae and gentle dark blue eyes.
My History
She was born on Q?tal a planet near the Andorian home world. Her parents, Du?Luth and Ri?esta, still liver there quietly with her 1 sisters and 1 brother.
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.  Come back soon!