"Why Did You Kill My People?"

The Story of

Chief John Logan

as presented by
Dan Cutler

A West Virginia
Humanities Council

History Alive!

The broad Ohio River forms a natural boundary.
Down through history it has served to separate many rival cultures.

It is the Spring of 1774:

The Ohio River separates the rapidly growing colony of Virginia from the Indian Nations, then called the Great Northwest Indian Territory. Logan lives as a man of peace, greeting the newly arriving trappers and fur traders from the Virginia Colony as friends. Until his family falls victim to the influx of settlers and are murdered. His vengence was severe and led to the Battle of Point Pleasants, often thought to be the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

If you are interested in a Living History demonstration in WV
please do check into the History Alive program funded by the
WV Humanities Council.

History Alive! presenters are available to speak at
community and school functions.
Speakers don authentic costume and in "first person",
bring that character to life for the audience.

View photos from recent presentations.
Updated 04/01/2001

About the presenter:

Content removed

For more information about scheduling this program, contact:


What they’re saying........

“I thought Chief Logan did an outstanding presentation.
He was very well prepared and spoke on the children’s level.
Our students really enjoyed him.”
2nd Grade Teacher - Logan Elementary

“The program really brought the past to life
and fit great with our West Virginia History studies.
Our students really enjoyed the question and answer session.”
6th Grade Teacher - Chapmanville Middle School.

Links to other living history sites.

MaxyMum Trade - Great Hand Forged Knives
The Shawnee Trail Online Calendar
Chief John Logan at Bushy Run

The 2001 Shawnee Trail Trade Fair
The 2000 Shawnee Living History Trail
Colonial Harvest Festival at Fort Randolph - 11/2000
A Visit to Fort New Salem
CARTER CAVES 2000 Primitive Encampment
Gateway To The Past
Coalition of Historical Trekkers
West Virginia Websites by Marshall University
One Mocc's (Ron's) Page
Brenda's page, has some Shawnee Trail photos
Pictures from Grayson, Kentucky
Pictures from Fort Frederick, Maryland
Pictures from the Shawnee Trail Association's Native Legend and Lore
Pictures from Prickett's Fort's School Of The Longhunter
The Shawnee Trail Online Newsletter
Choctaw's Buckskinning Page
Longshot's Rendezvous Homepage
Native languages workshop at Ft. Randolph
Shawnee Trail Association Members at Scott High School's Heritage Day
Ask about Shawnee Trail e-circles! E Mail for more information.
Re-Enactments at About.Com
My West Virginia Mountains

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