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Carp Anglers Group
PO Box 1502
Bartlesville, OK
Call us at (918) 335-3062
The CAG is an organization of avid carp anglers from the United States, Canada, Great Britain and beyond. Dr. Michael J. Keyes founded the group in 1993 as a specialty section within the American Fishing Association. It has since evolved into an independent educational and social group devoted to fishing for carp. The organization has established a set of principles that help guide us:
- Gain acceptance of the carp as an exciting and challenging sportfish.
- Become better carp anglers and assist others to join us.
- Treat the carp with respect. Use humane methods and equipment. Encourage others to do the same.
- Most of all: go fishing, share with others, and have fun!
We are a non-profit organization led by a president, with state and provincial district chairperson volunteers. Our newsletter, The North American Carp Angler, is published quarterly and is filled with fishing tips, club news, big-fish reports, book and product reviews, etc. Our newsletter is evolving into the first magazine devoted to carp angling published in North America. We hold numerous regional events at sites around the USA and Canada each year and also sponsor a few national events, including the Chicago Carp Classic - the competition for the title of North American Carp Champion.
Another service we provide is a list of devoted carp fanatics, some of whom may live near you. We hope CAG members will teach each other about carp fishing and form local clubs to spread the word. Believe it or not, there are carp clubs all over the country that were formed for the singular purpose of catching old "bugle-mouth". It turns out that carp are a popular fish, but most anglers thought they were the only ones catching carp. We hope to change all that forever.
Join us and we will help you to experience one of angling?s greatest thrills: a tight line with a 20 pound fish on the end!
This homepage will have several purposes:
- To let everyone know about the Carp Anglers Group.
- To teach what we know about carp fishing.
- To learn from you what you know about carp fishing.
- To have a good time doing all the above.
Bud Yancey was honored for his efforts in Humanitarian Service presented Jan 17, 2001 by the Chicagoland Fishing, Hunting and Outdoors Show. Buds selection was by the Chicagolands Outdoor writers. Bud, shown on the right, stands next to Brent Manning, IL DNR Director. The IL DNR through their Fisheries Division and Bob Williamson, has been our strong and consistent ally since the early years of the CAG
Verified! Al St. Cyr with a new Texas record!
Here he is with his 46 Pound 14 oz BFC! Leader of the BFC Competition!
Landing a fish that big takes a lot out of a guy!
Winner for 2001. Kim Wyatt with the leading entry into the CAG Big Fish Award at 44 pound of St Lawrence River Carp
The Carp Anglers Group Now Has Its Own eMail List. Fill in Your eMail Above to Join and Receive the Latest News About Events in the CAG and to talk about carping.
About the Carp Anglers Group
- Preview of the Spring 2002 NACA

- Previews - Surface Fishing for Carp
- Selected Past Articles
- Flyfishing for Carp
- Fishing the Classic
- History of Carp Fishing in America
- Carp Care
- Where to Find Carp
- Ledgering (or Fishing with Sinkers)
- About Chumming
- Rods and Reels
- Terminal Tackle
- More on Hooks
- Float Method
- Pay Lake Method (Also known as "The Method")
- The Illustrated Knotless Knot
- Hair Rigs
- Top Carp Fishing Tips from CAG Members
- Boilie Recipes
- Preparing Maize
- Doughball 101
- Basic Hair Rigging
- Balanced Baits or Pop-Ups
- PVA Stringers
- Ledgers or Sinkers
- Combi Hair Rig
- Line Aligner
- Penn Paylaker Rig
- Doughball Stinger
- NC Paylaker Rig
- Guillotine Rig
For more information, Contact CAG Staff
Contact CAG Staff
This website and all images © Copyright 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002
Casts made since August, 1999