What's New
Summer Tour Reports
From the Repository of GREAT Cycling Ideas.
Sloth Oddessy 2001
Be a card carrying member. Team Sloth Membership Card are here. See the Sloth Gear page.
Mission Statement
Unlike the aggressive speed oriented goals of most cycling groups, Team Sloth strives for the ultimate in riding
longevity. As the sloth hangs patiently from her tree, Team Sloth rides seemingly forever. Hanging onto the
paceline down the endless ribbon of blacktop. Lifelong cycling is the forage that sustains Team Sloth and the
finest of hops is the fruit that refreshes.
Vision Statement
Team Sloth hangs from the branches of many trees. Monthly events will be evaluated and selected for our
physical and social needs. The coveted sloth colors will be worn with pride and the envy of all. Flats of all
types are repaired with the air of carbonation.
Sloth Oddessy 2001
The Sloth is challenging our team to do something special in the year 2001(the first year of the 3rd millennium).
The Sloth Oddessy 2001 is to log 2001 (in honor of the year) miles in each of 3 (in honor of the new millennium) different catagories of rides during the calendar year 2001. Choose from Training, Group (it takes 3 Sloth members to make a group) or Club Rides, Event Rides and Commute Rides. Why participate in the Sloth Oddessy 2001 you ask? Because 2001, A Space Oddessy is SciFil You can't stand on the moon. However, you can ride a bike on earth. For you who need more incentive, the staff here at Team Sloth has designed a Sloth Oddessy 2001 lapel pin for those who complete the challenge.
The milage for most is not the problem; it's finding the events and time to do the event. This web site will assist Team Sloth by posting numerous events on our Events page or try a club ride from any of the clubs listed on the Links page. To get your official milage log, just click | |
Then print the page on your printer. [File]>Print... | .
Top 10 |
Reasons to Hang With the Sloth |
- We party before, after and even during our rides.
- We're not sure anything is a "good" idea.
- We are good to gu.
- It's ok to yell at the leader for going too fast.
- We support every hanging member.
- Two toes are in.
- If you move slowly enough, wind resistance is not a problem.
- Slow Lethargic Old
Tired and Heaving
- Sloths don’t whine, it takes too much energy.
- Did you notice the size of my Ross?