<BGSOUND SRC="/lancecoolest/oneluv.mid">
"Home of the Heroes & Villains"
...but it's a real cutie, a Mexican beauty...
The Ever Popular "Around the Galaxy" Gossip Column
...lookin' for my lost shaker of salt...
Bar Stocked 9-24-4643 - Face Lift!
"Uhlek Drifters?" grunted the bartender.  "Blood-suckers is more like .  I've got this buddy Ixbogii on ISS Betty Lace..."
Historical Record
Loman's Moon Base is a Hoopsiblah Trading House interest (and proprietory holding as well).  The Jova Lounge is a leased property and may not reflect the standards and guidelines of said named trading house, which is to say we (that being us the afore-mentioned) are in no way responsible or even a little bit to blame or appendage point for goings on here or on these premises.
"...and Good Vibrations, and all the rest."
'scuze me...
...how it got here I haven't a clue...
humna humna humna...blah blah blah...yada yada yada...
"Long have we waited, children of of the yellow suns..."
Bliff, the Jova Lounge Bartender
...stepped on a pop top...
Have gun, will travel am thinking.  Buying me drink?
Catch a wave...
Pax Christi
Give me Liberty -- Or give me Death.
Nga Seng occupy Diul bio form.  So does Corona.  *Burp*
Behind the Bar
The Few.  The Proud.