We are always happy to admit a new Scout into the Brotherhood of Scouting. The affiliation request of each new Scout gives the Scoutmasters an opportunity to meet with the parents and exchange the ideals of scouting and to describe the basic Scouting concepts of Troop 856. The Troop Committee and Scoutmaster pledge to you to assist each Scout in the development of his duties to God and Country, to others and to himself. We hope to develop an awareness of self-reliance, to improve individual and group skills, and to increase his abilities and knowledge, particularly those of the outdoors and nature. The vehicle to accomplish the above will be the Patrol Method.
In turn, we ask the Scout's parents to continue encouragement of their scout's efforts, especially in planning and helping for his advancement. We also ask for direct participation when called upon to assist the Troop. Such assistance will usually be for transportation, refreshments for Courts of Honors and other special events. However, parents can assist in other ways such as serving on the Troop Committee or as a Merit Badge Counselor. Parents can help the Troop achieve goals by their willingness to help, especially during fundraisers and Troop activities.
Scouting involves more than the basic activities usually associated with the program, such as tying knots, cooking, and camping. While this is an integral part of Scouting, Troop 856's program also includes both adventure and work, with emphasis on growth and advancement in all phases of character building, citizenship, acceptance of responsibility, planning, execution, and evaluation.
The troop meets every Monday night from 7:00 - 8:30PM at the Pentecostal Holiness Church in Socastee located on Hwy. 707(Socastee Blvd.). We look forward to having you and your scout as a member of our Troop. See you on Monday!