David S. Fefferman's
Web Page
Email Me At dfefferman@hotmail.com
North America
Arches National Park, Utah
Mormon Row, Jackson, Wyoming
Mt.  Whitney, California
El Pico De ORIZABA, Mexico
Eastern Africa
The Hunt, Serengeti Africa
Lions Feast
Stripes of the Serengetti
The END......
Chugatch Mountain Range, Alaska
El Pico de Orizaba
Ice Climbing
Skiing Deep at Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Surf Kayaking
Mount Washington, NH, -20 F
The Bastile, El Dorado Canyon, CO
Mount Ranier
Garden of the Gods, CO
Rogers Rock, NY
YOSEMITE, California
Yosemite Climbing Pics
Wood Working Projects
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada