Gif Files
LiGhTnIn20 Productions hopes that you enjoy the products made available and if you have any comments to email the owner.
Welcome to LiGhTnIn20 Productions! Started in 1997 when the owner, at the time ^LiGhTnInG^, later LiGhTnIn20, entered the mighty world of the internet. Starting off on Bulletin Board Systems, he later moved onto IRC and the World Wide Web as we know it. Using mIRC as the means of chatting over the internet, LiGhTnIn20 became involved on AUSTnet.org's #AUSTScripters channel, learning the basics of mIRC scripting. This gave birth to the Nina bot. After Nina, many new ideas came flooding in that too much was attempted at the same time. The result has been few bots, many ideas, and more bots yet to be made suitable for download.
To accompany and support the bots, a move was made to use web pages to make the bots available. During this time, many gif files were collected from other websites with no copyrights on them, as well as backgrounds made by the same Production owner. Finally, inspired by a relative's homepage and the time to burn, pages have been simplified, updated and ready to be accessed.
Unfortunately due to burnout, lack of time and motivation, there are not too many bots available. The main attraction is the first bot ever made by LiGhTnIn20 Productions, being Nina v1.0. There is still hope of more bots being made, although it is a very small chance of it happening. Click here to access the Bots page.
The backgrounds that have been uploaded are available for you to download and use. However, if they are used on public websites (that is, on the World Wib Web), it would be appropriate to acknowledge the fact that they were made by LiGhTnIn20 Productions. Click here to access the Backgrounds page
Overtime, as one does, many files and pictures are downloaded and stored. When first designing web pages, these were the pictures that LiGhTnIn20 Productions came across. As far as is known, there are no copyrights on them, and if you are the designer or holder of the copyright of the item, please contact LiGhTnIn20 Productions to correct the situation. Click here to access the Gif Files page.
This page was last updated 18/7/02 and will not be for sometime yet :D (4/1/04)