BSA Troop 473, Bloomington, MN

Trip occurred June 19-26, 1999 (just before the 4th of July storm)

Boy Scout Troop 473 of Bloomington, MN sent a contingent of 9 Scouts and leaders to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in June 1999.

We left Bloomington early Sat. June 19 and returned the following Sat. (26th). With the generous help of ASM (Assistant Scout Master) and Wood Badge recipient Dan Millenacker, we were able to self-outfit. That meant that instead of a per day cost of $50 plus (per person), we instead spent about $80/person for the week.

A lot of preparation went into the trip, which will no doubt prove to be very valuable training for the Scouts.

We began the trip through Ely, MN, the western end of the BWCAW. Our route included Moose, Newfound, Sucker, Birch, Carp, Knife, South Arm of Knife, Hanson and Rabbit lakes. We encountered a variety of wildlife, including a tenacious bear who had designs on our food packs (which were just out of his reach suspended between two trees). This is the same area that was devastated by the July 4, 1999 storm.

The Scouts earned Canoeing Merit Badge and the 50 Miler patch which is described on the link.

Ben Linhoff
Ben Heymer
Russell Spiess
Michael J Duffy
Joel Hage
Jason Millenacker

Dan Millenacker
Peter Hage
Jerel Norton

Troop 473 BWCAW Canoe Trip | Our Route: | Menu Planning: | Menu Planning, cont'd & Links to other sites

To contact us:

Troop 473 is chartered out of
St. Michaels Lutheran Church
Bloomington, MN

You can reach this site's author at: