Troop 72 Yatasi District Homer, LA |
Jan 13 Yatasi District Banquet Jan 22 Food bags out Jan 29 Food bags in Feb 06 Scout Sunday Mar 3-5 Family trip to Eunice,LA for Children's Mardi Gra Mar 04 Goodwill bags out Mar 09 Goodwill bags in Mar 31- Apr 2 Yatasi Spring Camporee & Cub Scout Field Day Apr 14-16 OA Conclave in Dallas, TX May 5-7 OA spring Fellowship Jun 8-12 Buffalo River 50 mile canoe trip
Please remember these are not in STONE and can be changed.
Thanks for stopping by.
We are going to try to keep you posted on the things that are going on in my life. |
First, lets get something straight. I happen to be a Christian and I hope you are to. But if not, please check out this link on learning how to be one. |
Check it out |
Norwela Council Boy Scouts |
If you feel like it, send me some mail |
I am the scoutmaster. All though this seems like a full time job, I have a real job. It happens to be Hatfield Ice Service. We manufacture and package 7lbs bags of ice and 10lbs bags of block ice froze in the bag itself. Sometimes we have empty bags and equipment. If you think you are interested please give me a call at 318-927-2961 or e-mail me. I'll be glad to talk. |
The above calendar belongs to Troop 72 of Homer, LA ; chartered by First Baptist Church.
We meet on Monday's at 6:00 PM.
Our roundtable is on the 2nd Thursday of each month. |
We had a very good Christmas Festival. We raised enough money to get us through the spring. The Scouts had a good time marching and the weather held out real good.
We have a camping trip planned for Jan. 15, 16 & 17th. We are going to Port Hudson Civil War Battlefield near Baton Rouge, LA. It is the last port on the Mississippi River that fell to the north during the War Between the States. |
Just got back from the OA conclave and the OA ordeal weekend. They were great; had a little rain at the conlave, even a tornado. The outside alarms went off Saturday, with everyone trying to find out what to do.Being form LA we don't have this type of alarm system, but the tornado never got to us, which is good. The next weekend we had the ordeal and Friday it looked like we were going to get wet again, but with a lot of praying the Lord Jesus smiled on us and Sat and Sunday were probably the best weather we have had in 5 years .We accomplished a lot, building a 4 square court in the morning and spraying posion ivy on the disk golf course in the evening. The ceremonies have got to be some of the best in Section 2.. We tapped out 19 new ordeal members and 16 Brotherhood members. |
For more Info on our Troop check out this link http://www.rusty1.com/troop72 |