Hello. My name is Jeremy Daniels (AKA EngPup or ReDnEcK). I own Speckled English Kennel. The center of my kennel is a 3 yr old female named CH NT CH 'PR'Daniels' Speckled Jewel who I bought as a pup from Jeff Caldwell. She is out of 'PR' Sandycreek Speckled Hon (who I now own half interest in with Todd Turner) and Gr Nt Ch 'PR'Wilcox Thunder St. Nick. She is a LOUD, FAST hound that is extremely accurate and well built. Hon is a smaller built hound with deadly speed and accuracy. I bought Jewel as a pup and Hon this fall from Jeff Caldwell. They're both awsome hounds, I am sure will influence the English breed for years to come. I have experienced some very bad luck here in Northwest PA lately. 'PR' Daniels' Speckled Little Girl was killed on the road at 8 mos old. She was out of Jewel and Dual Grand Hardtime Moses. The first coon that she ever treed on she was split from her mother. She also placed at a Field Trial in Sinclairsville NY the day that she was killed. She will be sorely missed. Also, her mother, Jewel, was hunting at the Camp Victory Benefit hunt in Washingtonville PA when she got her back leg stuck in a tree and it was broken at the knee. She must be layed up for atleast 6 mos. On a better note though, Hon is bred to Gr Nt Ch Beck's Pithole Creek Huck a Buck. She is due to have pups on Sept. 22. Will keep you posted on them. KEEP THEM ENGLISH!!!
'PR' Sandycreek Speckled Hon
CH NT CH'PR'Daniels' Speckled Jewel

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