.I am a 50 year old lover of the great outdoors. TOGETHER WITH my family and friends ,we  hike ,camp ,canoe ,and motorcycle thourght out the southern states . WE are also concerned about the enviorment and do river clean ups an construction on new and old trails in North Carolina
This is  me doing one of the things that I love to do "mess-around -in boats "
, work day on a trail at the Blue Ridge Parkway,
this was take in 93 at the New river clean up
Blue ridge Parkway
cabin in Doughton park /one of our favorite places  to hike
heres a picture of a  wild pony at MT Rodgers Va. and me
old  mill on the upper watauga river /great little class I class II river lower section extreme class IV,V if you go here be sure you know where you are ! A mistake in section
could be

Stonemountain N.C.
state park /great day hikes over  the top .stone mountain falls (beauty falls) at the bottom of trail , backpack area on Widows Creek /trout streams through out the park
pix's of my bikes &wifes bike and those of some friends
Boats&paddling photos
some  of the rivers trips and the boats we paddle  info on streams
Sites  from all around N.C.& Va./trails  ,bike, canoe,foot and other .
New river , Fall trip
Halloween Page
YadkinriverTrail Page
if  you would like to get in touch  with us for information ,or for information on a trip .  email   us   p_grizz@yahoo.com