Arizona Photo Album
My purpose in creating this site is to display the beauty and variety of the Arizona's natural wonders.  This is not an attempt to showcase prize winning photographs.  There are many sites that do that better than I could ever hope to.  Rather, it is a site that I hope will provide viewers an appreciation of the wonder and diversity of our extraordinary state:  desert vistas dominated by stately saguaro cacti;  colorful rock mesas and formations;  breathtaking, deep canyons; cool, tall pine forests; and wide, open grasslands. 

I enjoy outdoor activities:  hiking, camping, hunting, and fishing.  I also enjoy photography.  As a result of the combination of these interests, I  have accumulated a collection of pictures taken on my many outings throughout the state.  I have enjoyed sharing these pictures with my friends on the 'net for the past year.  Some of these friends have encouraged me to create this webpage in order to make the pictures available to anyone who is interested. 

If you enjoyed your visit here, check back later.  I intend to improve on this humble beginning by replacing some existing pictures with better ones as I take new pictures, add more pictures as time permits, and to improve on the asethics of the site as my webpage building skills improve. 

I am very interested in hearing your comments or suggestions.  You can contact me at 

These pages take awhile to download because of the pictures.  Have patience...perhaps you will want to get a cup of coffee or a cold drink while you are waiting.  I hope the wait will be worthwhile. 


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