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Nikhil, Monika , Ishan , and Siya Taparia

(This amateur site is always under construction ...)

A brief Recap for those who have been out of touch....
Monika Raina & Nikhil Taparia, were born in Srinagar, Kashmir and Jodhpur, Rajasthan, respectively, two entirely different parts of India. While Monika did her schooling in New Delhi, Nikhil learnt his basics in Renukoot, UP, and partly in Pilani, Rajasthan (both are unaware of existence of each other). In 1988, after completing their schooling, both decided to join MIT, Manipal for pursuing a degree in Engineering. Monika in Electronics & Communication and Nikhil in Computers (still, Nikhil would have said,"Monika, who?") The fun began in the the 2nd semester of their stay in Manipal but took serious form only by the 4th semester.
The fun is still continuing after our marriage in the year 1995.

In the year 1998 Ishan added new flavours to the fun that we were having. Siya was born in 2004.

Professionally, Nikhil works for Information Resources Inc., Chicago (A world market leader in Syndicated Data Analysis for FMCG companies). Earlier, Nikhil worked with Linc Software in sales and marketing of Software Services for 4 years, in Bangalore and Chicago. Then he went back to school to study Marketing Research. Completed his MS in Marketing Research at University of Texas in Dec 2002 .   Monika quit Page Point Services India Limited after working there for more than 4 years. This was while we were in Bangalore, India.

Now, we live in Algonquin, a suburb of Chicago. Monika works for Motorola in their world HQs in Schaumburg.

IshanIshan was born on November 10,1998, in Bangalore.
A few snaps from Ishan's first B'bay party in Bangalore.

(click on them to enlarge)

SiyaSiya was born on June 3,2004, in Chicago.