Welcome to Cub Day Camp '99 Tequesta "Da Besta" Style. Our camp this summer promises to be eventful, educational, and most of all FUN...FUN...FUN!!!
Cub Day Camp is being held at AD Barnes Park located at 3701 SW 70th Avenue. Our theme this year is based on Medieval Times. Yes the days of old are here again. The boys and their siblings (scouters brothers and sisters) are going to be dressing up and building their props for the end of the week show!!! There will be a lot of fishing for lunch...no just kidding!!! They boys are bringing their own lunch. Other activities this summer are arts & crafts, archery, swimming, guest speakers daily and lots of other games, songs and excitement!!! Come join in the fun. Cub Day Camp is the most fun your sun or daughter can have since the invention of the water balloon. Oh did we mention them too, I guess we just did. See Ya