Remember the summer of '82? Doesn't seem like 20 years does it?
Rose Schmidt begins her career with EDS. During a chance encounter with company founder Ross Perot on the Plano Campus, Rose states "the country could use a man like you in the White House" The normally outspoken man appeared to be lost in thought as he considered her comment.
Violence re-ignites between the PLO and Israel in an Arab-Israeli war. Israel invades Lebanon, moving into West Beirut and ousting PLO forces. Rose returns from her Far East vacation a week early.
U.S. Surgeon Everett Koop denounces cigarette smoking. Rose knew it was bad for you all along. Steven Spielberg's E.T. thrills audiences and becomes the highest-grossing movie yet. Tootsie, Poltergeist and Oscar-winner Gandhi are other Hollywood productions of the year. Not to be outdone by Tootsie, Rose takes on an alter ego named 'Celeste'. After an 8-year anti-trust suit, telephone behemoth AT&T is fragmented into several companies. Rose throws her phone in the trash and unloads her shares of AT&T for a net loss. The Canada Act replaces Canada's 1867 constitution. Rose writes to her Congressman pushing for a U.S. invasion of Canada. Columbia completes its first mission in space; it is the first space shuttle, which allows vehicles to be reused in space missions. The guidance system code written by one of her co-workers was based on code originally written by Rose. In West Germany, Helmut Kohl becomes chancellor. In less than a decade, Kohl will shepherd his country through unification with East Germany. Rose briefly considers taking 'Helmut' as her middle name.
Alice Walker publishes The Color Purple, and Cheers begins its 11-year run on television. Rose finds herself identifying with the character 'Carla'' played by Rita Pearlman. |