Shannon's Metal Detecting Page
Federation of Metal Detector  & Archeological Clubs, Inc.
Last Updated 1/8/04 Member
Historical Recovery Association of North Florida
My name is Shannon Cripps and I created this page to share in the fun of metal detecting with others. I'm originally from Grand Tower, IL but currently live in Greenville, IL.  I've metal detected fromWashington State to France and all up and down the east coast thanks to a few years in the Navy.  I use a Tesoro Bandido Micro Max II, Tesoro Stingray and a Nautilus DMC2B.  I primarily relic hunt and try to specialize in  pre-1900 military buttons.  The beaches have never liked me too much so I'll leave the jewelry hunting to all of you others.  I'll try and update the page as often a I can find new and interesting things.  If you have any comments, questions or answers feel free to email me.   Happy Hunting!!!
HEY EVERYONE!!! Looking at starting a club here in the South Central IL area...Hillsboro, Litchfield, Greenville, Vandalia or where ever.  Drop me a line if interested.  You don't have to even own a detector, just need to like old artifacts.  Children and spouses are most welcome also...this should be a hobby for the whole family.
United States Silver
Civil War Era Buttons
Spanish Silver
Pre-Civil War Buttons
Old Copper
Help! What is it?
Hints and help page
Button Dating and Identification
My Favorite sites Link to Spanish colonial relics of North America
Email Me Your Comments or Questions