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Marcie's Zoo
What I do when work actually let's me out of the office....
Hike and explore the outdoors
Love to Garden, Rent Movies, Read Books, do ?Home improvements, and Whatever else I can get myself into!
Squak says....
Spend time with my kids, learn new things, and make new friends!
Just Added New Pics to My Photo Pages!!!!!!!
Marcie's Picture Gallery &
Hummy says....
The Latest and Greatest...
Chami says....
Check out my Yahoo profile
Fly By says....
Now for the statistics...
I'm 5'6" with brunette hair and blue eyes,
29 yrs old and I am an office dweller during the day...
(watch out, I know how to use a stapler as a lethal weapon....)
Or chat with me Online!
I've always wanted this little guy will be my tattoo someday..
Why a treefrog you ask? Cause Treefrogs are alot like me...
cute,colorful and ya gotta love em' !

Too bad I'm too chicken to do it!
Froggy says....
Chester's thoughts on e-mail....
Send me (not Chester!)
an E Mail !
This part is under construction...Why? Cause hell, got to make you think I'm busy doing something right?

Go check out the
"sifl-n-olly" link for more hilarious stuff from Chester!

Sluggy says....
Things about myself...
I can dance to anything....
I can laugh at everything including my stupid jokes, and myself!
you are the
I have an ingenious way of finding trouble, that a good thing?
and hey, thanks for the visit!