Thats me...I don't know whats up with the Dr. Pepper pose there, but its me all the same. I am a senior at the Univ. of Pitt. at Bradford. Its a small school, just ask anyone who goes there, but I like it. Well my Girlfriend Kristyn finally got me to change this to let everyone know that I DO HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!! I also got a dog named Morgan. If you can't tell by the background, I love cars...ALMOST more than women. Well thats about all I have to say right now. If you want to know more, my AOL Instant messenger sn is GetnNecked. Hit me up there, especially if you want to talk about cars. Later.
Welcome to Benihana's web page
Here is some pointless shit about me: I love cars, infact the two cars on this background are the Toyota Supra (blue faacing away), and Nissan 300ZX (purple facing towards you). Over the summer, if I'm not working, I am normally playing with my car or doing something that could lead to my being hurt. I love to white water kayak and raft, rock climb, backpack, sail, and on occasion mountain bike. In the winter I just want to snowboard, ski, or ski blade. Thats about all there is to me, so look around play some games, and check out the cars. Later.
As I siad, I do other things then love cars, but mostly its just snowboarding, so click on this picture to take ya to my home mountain now. Holiday Valley NY.
If you click on the car above it will take you to a page full of nice looking cars.
This is as close to endorsing Pokemon I will ever get!!!!
Yeah its what you think it is, video poker. Go ahead and play, you can't lose any money here. Although you can't win any either. So have some fun.
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person to visit this page, don't you feel special!!!