Alan Silverstein (ajs_in_co) Home Page (on geocities)
Hi  I'm ajs_in_co. Actually Alan Silverstein, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.
I opened this account mainly to put a few files on the WWW  that actually live behind my company firewall (while I was at HP). Here's the first one, although now it's actually not here any more, but at my new ISP...
Immediately someone asked for pictures.  Well I don't have many on line, and they're low-res, but here's one. This is upstream from the top of the Tapestry Wall, 650' above the lake, taken May 8, 1997 at 4:20 pm.
Here's another one, higher resolution, about 321 Kb, taken 950710.0740 (early in the morning), during a light rain, in an unnamed canyon near Iceberg.

View four pictures (one GIF, 240 Kb) of the K/T (Cretaceous/Tertiary) boundary just south of Trinidad, Colorado, in the roadcut along I25, taken 960510.1530.  This is 2.6 miles south of exit 11 on the east side.  One photo looks south, and in one a US nickel coin is a scale object.
The K/T boundary occurred about 65 million years ago when an asteroid struck the Yucatan. I gather that in most places the resulting dust washed or blew away, but at this location it settled into a lake and was preserved. The band you see in the photos is about 1 cm thick. It varies from white and very crumbly where weathered, to gray or purplish and too hard to break by hand if you dig it out from deeper in the hillside.
The entire hillside is remarkably fragmented and crumbly. It's about impossible to dig out a clean cross-section. Above and below the white band, especially above it, are several cm of finely layered, blocky, coal-like layers (though they do not burn); a thin shale, I guess.

The description of my page is:
Lake Powell
© 1997

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