
Josh Powell's Webpage

Photo Scrapbook (Friends)

For those who don't know me my name is Josh Powell, I'm 20 years old, and I atttend Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado where I run cross country.  Hopefully if I concentrate on my school work I'll have my Computer Science degree in 2 years, then who knows!  I'm originally from Bend, Oregon and have the most wonderful girlfriend name Jennifer? or is it Suzy? I think it's Miranda I can't remember :-).  As you can see my two favorite things are running and rockclimbing.  I also enjoy mountain biking and hiking here in Colorado.  If you need to drop me a line just e-mail me at:      jpowell_flc@hotmail.com


Photo Scrapbook (Other)

Running Page

Dan/Josh fb page

Smith Rock Page


Ahh it's amazing what your car can look like after flipping it off the side of the rode at 60 mph outside of Burns OR.. Josh's car (10/1/99 to 11/30/99) RIP


My favorite little dog in the whole world, baxter!