Let Me Know You Stopped By....PLEASE SIGN...Peace...
See what the 'Drug War' (laugh) has been up too....'You tell Me...Good or Bad thing'....
Stop at My MESSAGE Center...Lot's of ways to get a hold of ME HERE...
Come on in...See What I Have Recorded...'Good Spirits' Within...Look,Listen,be Happy...
Here are some Visual Stimulants...'Pictures'...and more...
Here are some FUN Things to PLAY with...
Into EXTREME Sports and Adventures??...I really like this site..You will too...
Speaking of FUN...I'll make some Popcorn over the Fire,too...
Shows I have Encoded in RealAudio, and Uploaded to MY SITE...Take a LOOK..
"Whiskey in a Jar"
RARE Grateful Dead recordings...small selection, but very NICE indeed...
The 'Other Ones',RatDog,Phil and Friends,and extras....
Grateful Dead Shows....Pixs of the Week...
LISTEN to the 'HERBIVORES'..Great Jazz/Reggae Band out of Seattle,WA...and Friends of Mine...'IRIE'...
Check out this UNIQUE Website for Music...it's Liquid Music...'Drip,Drop,Drop will do ya'..
I Hear the 'BUS' Stops by Here... 'Taken the TEST Lately??'.....
It would be a 'Sin' not to have a LINK to DEAD.NET, now wouldn't it?? Lots of NEW STUFF...
My 'Favorite' Hippie Chick's Site out of New York...She Trades Tapes and CD's...Large collection too...'BIG HOT TUNA FAN'...Give her a Visit...'Say HI for Me'...
'LIVE' Internet Radio from the British Virgin Islands...' Ras Tafari '.....
'Were you at ANY of these DEAD Shows??...Concert Posters...going Wayyyyy Back
Here is the Top10 List of 'Deadhead' Sites that I started...Check it out...And Sign-up, if your Site Applies...'No Problems'..
DEADSHOW.COM -- Another of the BEST LIBRARIES on the NET...with multiple Bandwidths too..
Here's Some 'BRAIN FOOD'....My favorite show is 'NOVA'...'Monty Python' was great too...
In My Opinion....This Is the BEST and LARGEST Collection on the NET....
Check-out the WEATHER on the PLANET...'Is Mother Earth feeling IRIE...??'
Need HELP with your Site?? Drop me a line...Webmaster willing to assist you...
Thank You Very Much.....*Big Smile*....You have a Site?..Apply for this..Never know,right...
Awarded July 13,2000
In recognition of
Excellence on the Web
Click on the Lava Lamp to get to Voting Page...Other 'Dead' Sites on List to SEE...Thanks...
Click on the Lava Lamp
and VOTE for My Site
on the Top10 List
Thanks alot...Dave
CHAT with ME
..If I'm HERE..
I have the last 4 of 16hrs recorded of this Internet Show...This is Part 3 of 4 that I have...
Check out My Webrings
vvv  Join "GRATEFUL BUS" Tour  vvv
Check out this Community Message Board on 'Shakedown Street'....Another of my projects...Ezboards.com has Nice Program...
Here is a Listing of LINKS to  ALL My Websites....ENJOY THEM...Peace...
<bgsound src="whiskey.mid">
to the
"Kindspliff  Pages"

...NOW that YOU are HERE...
Step Inside the TeePee , Sit on Down
Throw a Log on the Fire , and Twist One Up

Then Let's
CHECK-OUT Some of My
"DEADHEAD" Tunes on the NET
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