Maura's (Former) Page
One more person's experiment in vanity
Please visit my blog at
Welcome to my succumbing to the theory of "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."  If most every company, cause, and person in the country has a web site, why shouldn't I?   :)
January 8, 2000

I plan to have a list of my favorite and most-used web sites -- for my own convenience and to make it easy to share them with people who ask for them -- plus a list of my favorite local restaurants and their addresses, for much the same reason.

I also plan to have some of my favorite photos up -- as I soon as I get around to scanning the ones I have in mind!  (In the meantime, there's just me, enjoying a beautiful day at Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe, CA)  Lastly, with the able assistance of my friend, Amy, whose website can be found at the top of my list over there, I will be hooking up a live web cam to say hi to the world from time to time.

As I haven't yet figured out how to set up a link to send me e-mail from this page (hey, it has only been one day and I think I'm doing pretty well so far), those of you who know me will just have to do it the old-fashioned way with the address you already have.  For anyone else who stumbles along here and for some reason might want to say hi, please use

Thanks for stopping by!

- Maura
Me in Tahoe - Summer '99
My list of links is primarily for me to be able to get to sites quickly and save some hard drive room by eliminating the giant list of Favorites currently on my browser.  However, as I look them over I realize that they're also a roadmap to my interests and hobbies.
My Favorite Links:
Amy's Page
Recent California Earthquakes
AMC Theaters
Nerve Magazine
San Francisco Giants
Yosemite National Park
Symantec Virus Hoax Page
Barnes & Noble
The Grammar Lady
National Notary Association
Alice @ 97.3
AltaVista Translations
Update - January 17, 2000
Check out
The Restaurant Page