This web site is part of a new attempt to reconnect former campers and counselors of Monterey and Owaissa, the Jayson Camps. Alfred ("Chief") and "Aunt Betty" Jayson ran the brother-sister camps between 1926 and 1969. Situated on the shores of beautiful Lake Garfield in Monterey, MA, these camps became the perennial summer home to generations of families, with many boys and girls starting out as campers and continuing into adulthood as counselors.

To participate more fully in this "virtual reunion," please go to the Jayson Camps Group. There you will find a growing list of your old camp pals. Please join! The membership information is just a few clicks away. Once enrolled, you may post messages that will be sent automatically to all Group members. Entering your contact information and completing a Yahoo! Profile can be important to your personal success in this online reunion effort. Your Profile will be linked to the Group page so that your friends can contact you directly, locating you by the information you provide -- your real name, your "camp name" if different, the years you attended camp, and any other helpful identifiers. Don't forget to include where you are now, what you're doing now, and similar factoids you want known. Please also indicate in your Profile and/or on the members page your usual email address . . . because if you fail to login at least once every few months, your Yahoo! account will expire.
Whether or not you join the Yahoo! Group, you will definitely want to explore the features of the Jayson Camps Group website. In the photo albums there, you can view some "then" and "now" snapshots you will certainly enjoy. Our Yahoo! website also provides a community calendar for marking special occasions, such as birthdays and the "I Love Monterey Day." Members may upload their own photos to the Group website, may post to the calendar, and can also schmooze as much as they want in our very own chat room!

Right here on the affiliated GeoCities website, take a look at the links page, a compendium of resources in and around Monterey. If you are planning a visit to the Berkshire County area, then this information may be especially useful. Meanwhile, check-out the roster of Jayson Camp Alumni!