Hidden Shores Club
PO Box 213, Manistique, Michigan 49854-0213

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View facing south Hidden Shores & Wiggins Point

Hidden Shores is located on east shore of Lake Michigan's Garden Pennisula, on Hidden Shores Drive, east off of Little Harbor Road, 2.8 miles south of Thompson, Michigan (US2), 4 miles west of Manistique, Michigan (See Map). It consists of 23 lots along one mile of Lake Michigan with 11 large parcel outlots. "Hartman Pines" (9 lots), located directly north of Hidden Shores, shares the our access road. Suggestions, modifications, corrections, etc can be sent to Hidden Shores Board The advertising banners are placed by Geocities and are why the website is free.

2006-2007 Hidden Shores Club Officers

President:Charles Pecor 906-341-2911 (Local)
Vice PresidentMelvin Rullman 906-341-7558 (Local) 309-762-5173 (Home)
2nd Vice President
/Road Chairman
Gerry Bidelman906-283-3521 (Local) 810-629-9688 (Office)
Richard DeVries 906-341-3889 (Local) 248-477-4982 (Office)
248-381-1105 (Home)
248-477-4982 (Text Page)

Contacts Phone & Electric
Road & Building Propane Suppliers
Announcements Mail / UPS / FedEx
Manistique Schools Trash / Recycling
Manistique Library Transportation
Recreation Medical Facilities
Government TV / Radio / Cable
Links Emergency Numbers

Hidden Shores June 2007 Newsletter
2007 Annual Meeting Minutes

The annual Hidden Shores Club meeting was held over Memorial Day Weekend on Saturday, May 27, 2007 at 4pm at Hidden Shores. Attending were Chuck Pecor, President, Mel Rullman, Vice President, Judith Rullman, Gerry Bidelman, Vice President and Road Committee Chairman, and Richard DeVries, Secretary.

The 2006 meeting minutes were read and approved.

The 2006 Treasurer's report was given by Chuck Pecor. All dues are paid up with the exception of three lots in Hartman Pines. This generated revenue of $2600. Aditionally, certificate of deposit interest on emergency funds provided $118.10 of revenue. 2006 dues past due amount to $120. 2007 dues notices have been mailed with a due date of July 7, 2007. An updated address list was mailed with the dues notices.

Expenses included $2300 for gravel and grading. Additionally, $50 for post office box rental, $15.60 for postage (dues notices), $146.28 for an additional load of gravel for pothole repair. $20.00 to the State of Michigan for annual registration of Hidden Shores Club, and $60.74 for diesel fuel for road work and winter road plowing. The Treasurer's report was approved.

The Road Committee reported that about 2/3 of both roads (access and lakeshore portions of Hidden Shores) were graded with gravel in 2006. The extra load of gravel was used to fill potholes in 2006 before grading, in the Fall, and again in the spring. Thank you to Gerry Bidelman for the use of his tractor and equipment and thank you to the volunteers (Chuck Pecor, Larry Pietsch, et al) who helped fill the potholes. Signs were posted at each of the streams to identify them. Stone only was placed on the steeper portion of Hidden Shores as an experiment to see how well it held up. It was uncertain whether or not it worked any better than the gravel mix used everywhere else on the road. A motion was made by Richard DeVries and seconded by Mel Rullman that $2300 be budgeted in 2007 for addition gravel and grading and $230 be placed in reserve for potential major future repaids. One 15 yard load will be graded at the end of the Hidden Shores turn around, one load of stone will be graded on the steeper portion Hidden Shores west of the sand pit, one load at the entry off of Little Harbor Road, and remainder working out from the Hidden Shores T with emphasis on the low lying areas. It was also discussed that property owners are asked to drive slowly, perhaps 15 mph, over the road in wet conditions to minimize development of potholes. The Little Harbor Road entry gate was removed and the Hidden Shores gate is being painted (green) this summer (Chuck Pecor)

There was some discussion of the lake levels. Lake Michigan is down a little more than in 2006. Last year a walking path was cut through the brush that was once part of the lake bottom so at least we can enjoy the beach a little more. An attempt to extend this will be attempted this summer with possibly some means of crossing the two streams more easily as well (with appropriate permission of property owners facting the streams)

Officers were elected in 2006. Officers will be elected again in 2008. Anyone interested in serving may contact any officer to submit their name for nomination.

Future Annual meetings will continue to held on the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend at Hidden Shores. For 2008 it will be held at 4pm at Hidden Shores - location to be posted.

Submitted by Richard DeVries, Secretary.

Hidden Shores June 2006 Newsletter
Annual Meeting Minutes

The annual Hidden Shores Club meeting was held over Memorial Day Weekend. Attending were Richard DeVries, Mel Rullman, Chuck Pecor, Gerry Bidelman, the Jesiek's and the George's.

The Treasurer reported that at the end of the 2005 FY all lots were current with their road dues and that as of Memorial Day, all but a few had paid 2206 dues. The 2006 budget included $100 for administrative expensives (PO Box, postage, and State of Michigan registration), $230 into the reserve fund for any future bridge repairs, $70 for any misc expenses as needed, and the rest for 2006 road maintenance. A resolution to place most of the unbudgeted club accounts into an interest bearing CD was approved.

Road gravel bids were reviewed. Approximately 14 truckloads (15 yards each) of 22A gravel will be contracted and spread. As an experiment, 1 load of 23A gravel will be used to evaluate how well it performs versus 22A. There was some discussion with respect to the necessity of the gate to Hidden Shores at Little Harbor Road. The gate at the lakeshore portion of Hidden Shores will remain and may be locked as needed.

New officers were elected with Richard DeVries, past president, rotating into the Secretary/Treasurer responsibility, Charles Pecor to President, and Mel Rullman from Secretary/Treasurer to Vice President. Gerry Bidelman was elected 2nd Vice Presdient & Road Committee Chairman.

Unless there is feedback otherwise from other members, the next annual meeting will be held on the Saturday before Memorial Day in 2007. Meeting during a 3 day weekend maximizes the number of people who can attend. Meeting early in the year allows us to address the budget and road work at an appropriate time.

Special Announcement: Little Harbor Road will be paved by July 1st down to Gerke Road.

Lake Michigan Water Level (meters)

Click for Great Lakes Water Levels - Army Corps of Engineers Click for Lake Michigan Current Water Levels

Click for Manistique, Michigan Forecast

Click here for Michigan State Police winter travel advisory
Or call 1-888-MSP-ROAD

Click for AAA/MDOT Road Reports
Or call 1-800-644-7669

Manistique Lighthouse December 28, 2003