Here's my webpage!
Hey everyone!  This is my webpage with a little information about take a look around if you want.  There are some pics on here of me and my friends...and if you think they're bad pics of you lemme remind you of this one...

<--Knock Knock New Year's Eve 2003.
Full Name: Jennifer Lauren
Location: Columbia, South Carolina
School: Super senior at USC
Major: Print Journalism
Minor: Art Studio/photography
My Stats: 5'9'' 140 lbs. black hair/brown eyes
Occupation: bartender at Heartbreakers
Marital Status: boyfriend is DJ Hyrne
Siblings: twin brothers Bryan and Stephen
During the week I'm either in class trying to finish up college or at work at night.  But during the weekend I am all about GAMECOCK FOOTBALL, grillin out with DJ, drinking heavily with my friends, and basically enjoying what time I have left with my college buds.

<--To help my Jillian's, I told them I would do this Venus competition for them.  Don't laugh.
Me and my girl Amanda in Crocodile Rocks enjoying some jello shots and the music....                   --->
<-- Me and my best friend Will who goes to Alabama at some party in 2001
And me and my hunny DJ on New Year's Eve 2003  --->
My online journal  --->
My 2nd page  --->