Hi, this is the homepage for Our Happy Sun & Ski Group.
This web page serves a private group of friends who organize vacations together about once a year. If you know who we are and want to join the email group, fill out the form... Otherwise, enjoy the collected wisdom below from our past trips! Hits:
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Misc. Valuable Sun & Ski Links:
* Ski Trip Favorite Recipes
* Ski Maps
* Dave's Ski Checklist: things to bring on a ski trip
* The Matrix : Ski Trips vs. Participants Spreadsheet
* Dave's favorite game company
* Demotivators: Ineptitude or YEE-HAA!
* Slots Gadget

Ski Trip 1992 - Breckenridge, Colorado gallery92
* Breckenridge and Trail Map
* Keystone
* Vail (not visited this trip)

Ski Trip 1993 - Breckenridge, Colorado gallery93
* Breckenridge and Trail Map
* Keystone (perhaps visited perhaps not)
* Copper Mountain Resort

Ski Trip 1994 - Winter Park, Colorado gallery94
* Winter Park Resort
* Copper Mountain Resort

Ski Trip 1995 - Salt Lake City, Utah gallery95
* Alta Ski Area and Trail Map
* Brighton Ski Resort
* Solitude Ski Resort and Trail Map (not visited this trip)
* Sundance (not visited this trip)
* Park City Mountain Resort (not visited this trip)
* Deer Valley (not visited this trip)

Ski Trip 1996 - Steamboat, Colorado gallery96
* STORY: The 'Der Was Everywhere
* Steamboat Ski & Resort

Ski Trip 1997 - Lake Tahoe, California gallery97
* Heavenly Valley Ski Resort
* Squaw Valley USA and Trail Map
* Kirkwood and Trail Map
* Alpine Meadows Ski Area
* Northstar

Ski Trip 1998 - Mammoth Mountain, California gallery98
* STORY: A Dump of Mammoth Proportions
* Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort

Ski Trip 1999 - Lake Louise, Canada gallery99
* STORY: The Ski Files: Alberta: The Truth is Up There
* Lake Louise, Sunshine Village, and Banff Mount Norquay
* Sunshine Village
* Banff Mount Norquay
* Douglas Fir Resort & Chalets Check out the indoor water slides!

Sun Trip 1999 - Kauai, Hawaii gallerysun99
* STORY: Dave's Kauai Scouting Report
* STORY: Going Ape in Kauai
* POEM: Is there an Urgod?
* Aston Kauai Beach Villas
* Weather in Lihue, on the island of Kauai
* Link to DannyJ's Kauai Movies and other good stuff.

Ski Trip 2000 - Telluride, Colorado gallery00
* STORY: Telluride 2000: June's Romantic Adventures in Europe
* Telluride Visitor's Guide

Ski Trip 2001 - Whistler Canada gallery01
* STORY: Whistler 2001: Back to Canada Eh?
* Guestbook entry for house #8

Ski Trip 2002 - Back to Steamboat Springs, Colorado gallery02
* Over The Edge House where we stayed
* Danny Jain's notes on the trip from his Palm Pilot.

Ski Trip 2003 - Back to Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California gallery03

Sun Trip 2003 - New Zealand gallery03
* Link to Dave Holloway's pictures

Ski Trip 2004 - Big Sky, Montana gallery03

Ski Trip 2005 - Park City, UT
* Park City Utah Skier Statistics
* Resort Quest Park City Lodging

Ski Trip 2006 - Telluride, CO
* Dave's Photos
* June's Photos