Jesus Christ
the Bible
and Fundamentalism
(Born Again Fundamentalism Hope or Hoax?)
by Mike McClellan
Explore the fallacy of born-again, fundamentalist Christianity and the dynamics of being "saved".
Learn of the case against Christianity. Examine the Bible, its errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. Learn of the atrocities and murders attributed to Biblegod as described in the Bible.
Dare to question the existence of Jesus Christ.
Born Again Fundamentalist Christianity has captured the minds and hearts of thousands upon thousands of individuals who have been duped by its teachings and dogma.
Since the upsurge of fundamentalism in the early 1900s it has had an increasing influence upon those who have chosen to believe it is the one and only valid spiritual belief.
Unfortunately the closed and narrow belief system of Born Again Fundamentalism can have a devastating and crippling effect on those who have chosen to adhere to its dark age dogma, doctrines and mentality.
This website has been created to support those who have decided to leave born again fundamentalism, who are in the process of leaving it or are thinking about leaving. It is for those who have begun to think for themselves. It is for those who have questions and aren't sure.
Walking away can be a very difficult process. If you have made or are making that decision, may these pages be helpful in your journey.
This site is not intended to take anyone away from a spiritual belief in which he or she is comfortable and does not wish to leave. It is intended to reveal the truth about born again fundamentalist Christianity to anyone who wishes to know it.
This page updated on February 25, 2001
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February 14, 1999
© Copyright 2000 2001. Mike McClellan