.: news & updates

:: 1/11/04 ::
Beer pong 101 lessons are coming this summer. Written by 3 of the resident beer pong experts - Joel, Keith and Fish.
:: 10/25/03 ::
There have been more pics and quotes added since the last time I posted on this page. For the most part, I'm just too damn lazy to update this page every time I add pics or quotes. So check back often for more drunken SMC shit.
:: 9/27/03 ::
Since everyone has been bugging me to update my page and the network is back on, it's finally here. Junior Pics have been added. Still no quotes - for the most part we're just too hammered to remember them. I also added Fish's memories for both Freshman and Sophomore Years. Finally, the 10 Great Truths of College Life and links have been added.
:: 7/22/03 ::
Okay, just a small update today - I added the freshman and sophomore memories for people that sent them to me. If you haven't sent them, get on it. I'm sure you're not that busy that you can't take 5 minutes out of your day. Yeah well that's about it.
:: 7/11/03 ::
Still bored here at work. Fear not - the new page is almost done. Still some more shit to be worked out but I'm going to put the page up as is for now. As I fix the problems, I'll update the page. The biggest problem is that I can't upload the pictures from this computer, so there will be no pictures until school starts (August 28!!!). If you don't like it, then make your own damn webpage. On that note, I'm out.