Custom built,Yachting Cannons.
No Yacht should be with out one.
Prices start at $1600.00
Disclaimer and other Leagal mumbo jumbo.Please read carefully.
Cannons for novelty purpose only. seller and or manufacture not responsible for lose of life or limb, disfigurement or property damage, acts of violence, act of war or anything else !! Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk.
You can Blast there ornery hide. With a Cannon from Peet's Cannon Sales.
Free demonstrations.
Company C.E.O.
On left is picture of me with a solid Mohgany wood pattern I made here in my garage. Below is a picture of a large casting,probably in excess of 10,000 lbs being poured at Sterling Foundry
Ahh theres nothing like
a Cannon fresh out of the Foundry
This is 2 frames from the same blast.
Just some good old Boys from the internet.
Notice the fire blowing back out of touch hole.