Some Setters Havin' Fun In The Field

Takin' a Break

I am hosting a "gallery" of photographs showcasing Setters (all types, but especially Irish) engaged either in field-work competition, or in the pursuit of upland game. (especially the chukar partridge).

I encourage anyone with similar interests to send me photo's so that they can join the "gallery".

I would like to express my thanks to the excellent photographers out there who have inspired me to take my camera along and try to capture the essence of the joy of fieldwork. "Try" is the operative word here; I am sure that you will find it as challenging as I have.

You can e-mail me at this address. You can also find me lurking on "Setters-L" or "working setters". - Geoff Mann

Here is my collection of LINKS. I am constantly adding and reviewing sites which interest me.

Here is a separate collection of links for those of you that are interested in Shotgun Sports. I have found them to be very informative.

• Website Questions and Answers

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THE GALLERY (click on the title of the photograph to bring it up)

•  Kelsey in the Fraser River Canyon - October, 1999

This page consists of three of my photo's. I am quite pleased with the color saturation from Kodak's Portra 400VC, which isn't much more expensive than their standard quality print film. If you are interested in a hunting (or photo) safari, to the area shown in these photo's, let me know.- Geoff

• "Skedoms Foxy" in Action

This photo provided by Maud and Torsti from Borta Med Vindens Kennel in Sweden. I highly recommend that you visit their home page website @ Maud and Torsti . They have created an excellent compendium of photographic techniques @ Photo School . Go directly to their superb photo gallery @ Photo Gallery .

• Winter Fun with Kelsey

These are some photos of our winter-time activities with Kelsey. Note the green and orange grouse which is indigenous to this area.

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owned by Geoff Mann
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