Clear Catch Fish Capturing Device


Years ago we used cat gut fishing line! It was the best on the market at that time. When monofiliment fishing line came along we all bought it because the fish could not see it! This innovative product increased our catch dramatically! We did not care it cost more as long as we caught more fish. Jerry Jones and David Brundage asked the next logical question (over 40 years in coming) "Why are most fishing nets made from visible materials?" The only monofiliment fish net on the market was the cast net. Someone took notice that something was wrong with the picture.

Cast nets are great if you are extremely coordinated and you have strong arms to throw that 5 to 10 pound net in shallow water to capture your bait. But when you are in deep water the bait just swims out from under the thunderous roar of the cast net hitting the water. When you miss with one cast you must move on to another area where bait fish are gathered because the fish scattered and try again. Introducing Clear Catch problem solved. Just click on the clear catch link and get all of your questions answered!


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