Welcome to my site
Soccer page with my snaps  in Thailnd and more detailed information
Details of my Educational Qualification Swimming  page with snaps of my students
Physical Education,sports,Education,Career and other useful information for coaching and training
My Professional Experience of teaching and coaching This page contains liknks to my wife's homepage and her achievements in Cycling. She was an outstanding gold medalist in Natioanlas...Under construction My Overall achievements in sports at school, college, University and National levels
My experience of Summer /winter Camps and adventure trips and much more....

Dear Vistor,

Thank you for visiting my site. This is a multi-purpose site which contains not only my personal information but also posses a lot of information regarding Health, Physical Education and sports activities. I have tried my best to gather all needed information on this site but still your feedback and comments will be very encouraging and appreciated.


Noel Ivon

!Under Construction!

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