Our little corner of the World

Visit us. Dedicated to Gene.

As kids we get nicknames, and as we grow older we forget how we got it. In this case Gene gave this one to himself. He didn’t mean to but it happened. He would say, “My name is Eugene JoeFish Gober.” It really should have been Joseph, so what do kids do but make up a nickname, but this one we could sing. Lucy in the sky with JoeFish.

Growing up in Luzerne during the late sixties and up to the middle seventies, we had a good time. Gene had many friends, and loved being outside playing. We played kickball, and baseball, hide and seek, all the fun childhood games. I hated leaving Luzerne, but Gene was able to enjoy living at Lake Wallenpaupack. He also made so many friends here, and found many new activities.

I remember so many wonderful and happy times in our lives. He enjoyed being around relatives, and like to talk about the past. I think this was from spending so much time with Pop. Gene was always a very happy person. He seemed to enjoy so much. When I think back he was usually smiling and laughing. Unless we were fighting, as siblings do, we fought about everything. He really knew how to get me mad, this he would enjoy.

In 1993 he was diagnosed with cancer. For seven long years he fought this illness. He went through so much. Treatments, medicines, hospital stay, etc, and really never complained about it. It was what most would consider a bad time, but we seemed to make it a part of our lives until it was almost normal. Unfortunately, it was not cured and life would soon change for us. There was so much bad at the end, this I will never forget. But I want to dedicate this page to him with only fond and loving memories. I also want to share them with all his friends and relatives.

A father's tribute to his son.

© 2000 micheleg14@excite.com