Kentucky Conservation Officers' Association Inc.
Officers United for the Conservation
of Kentucky Fish and Wildlife
251 Burns Road
Auburn, KY 42206
Click Here to View the KY Conservation Officer Association Information Letter
or Right Click Here and choose "Save Target As" to Download a Copy of this Letter

President Jim Gibson

Vice-President David Kuhn

Secretary Shane Carrier

Treasurer Tracy Bell
The KCOA Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1988 by Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement Officers.
Organizational goals include promoting conservation of Kentucky's bountiful natural resources, educating the public about the complexities of Fish and Wildlife Law Enforcement, and giving special attention to providing outdoor recreational opportunities for Kentucky Youth.

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our home page. 
We are the Kentucky State Conservation Officers.
This site is dedicated to, and for use by anyone who shares in our goals.
We are dedicated to the preservation of our wildlife and recreation heritage through prudent and professional law enforcement, and we strive to reach new heights through education, training, teaching, public relations, communication, and fellowship.
Projects of the Association include:
Sponsor numerous Youth Fishing Derbies and Hunting events -
Establishes 45 annual, week long, Youth Conservation Camp scholarships -
Contributes to the conservation efforts of various State/ National Conservation groups, including the League of KY Sportsmen, and the North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers' Association -
Provides financial assistance to the families of Law Enforcement Officers slain or injured in the Line of Duty.
Click on this icon to send an email to the Kentucky Conservation Officers' Association

A wealth of links useful and interesting to our officers.
Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife
Link to Department Regulations for Fishing, Hunting, and Boating.
Salato Wildlife Center, Information and Education, News Releases, and much more.
Need Info ? Call Ky. Dept. of Fish & Wildlife at 1-800-858-1549
or send an email to
The US Fish & Wildlife Service
National Fish & Wildlife Forensics Laboratory
North American Wildlife Officers Association
National Association of State Boating Law Administrators
U. S. Coast Guard
The League of Kentucky Sportsmen
Yahoo Game Warden Forum
Other Links of Interest to Conservation Officers

Updated 11/16/2003
copyright 1999 KCOA
Thank you for visiting the Kentucky Conservation Officers' Association Web Page!
Officers of the Ky. Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Resources

Some of the Many Hats We Wear!
Conservation Officer
Water Police
Game Warden Wildlife & Boating Officer
Report a Poacher Call 1-800-25ALERT
This number is for Reporting Law Violations Only