Welcome to The World of Nudism.
I would like to take this moment and space to help dispell some rumors here. I hope reading this will help you understand our lifestyle a little better. I am sure that you may have mixed ideas about nudism if you have never tried it. Please keep an open mind while here.
Sex Nudism has nothing at all to do with sex in anyway! If you go to one of our campgroundsand try to have open sexual contact you will be removed and at some camps, turned over to the police and charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor. You might ask what about all of the pornography I see in the Nudist Newsgroups? That is not us, every time we open a new newsgroup the porno spammers will take it over. They have automatic posters that look for the letters NUD in a newsgroup title then they put their smut there! We wish they would leave us alone but because they use fake email addresses we can't contact they and ask them to stop. Some that we do find don't care and cuss us if we ask, so what are we to do but try to start another one which they eventually take over.....
Why? Why would Anyone want to become a nudist? There are as many reasons as peoples opinions, but for me I like it for these two reasons in particular. I think it is very COMFORTABLE and RELAXING for one. I also think it is a great lifestyle because of the philosophy of body acceptance. We nudists for the most part believe that the body doesn't matter. It is the person inside that is important. We are accepting of everyone reguardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual preference, physical condition or any other differences. The Kentucky Moto says that united we stand and devided we fall and nudists believe that as well. Nudist are just everyday people who just enjoy life better in the nude. We believe one can seperate nudity and sex and enjoy the greatest masterpeices of art ever created, the human body!!
Here are some links to other sites that will help you learn more about nudism:
So you are a women whos husband wants you to try nudism
here are a few pages written by women for women about nudism.
click here!
American Association for Nude Recreation
The Naturist Society
Christian Nudism
Since Geocities does not allow nude pictures on their homepages, following this link will help get you DOWN TO BUSINESS and provide a way to find them.
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This page created by David Compton using GeoBuilder and Netscape 4.5
If you wish to get in touch with David you can email him HERE
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