God Bless America
Let's not forget 9/11/01
Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Fishing
Welcome to Cub Scout, Boy Scouts,
Camping and Fishing
Activities and Ideas.
I would like to thank Robbie, Benjamin and Timothy for getting me involved in the Scouting program.
Your input is very important in order to make this site more enjoyable. If you have any ideas to help individuals and families to enjoy camping or ideas for fun activities in Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts please E-Mail me at "Robhelf@yahoo.com"
Thank you for your interest
Thought for the month:
"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy"
(Exodus 20:8)
Upcoming Cub scout events for the Fairfield Ward in Mesa Arizona.
Click here to find out about upcoming events for the Fairfield Ward Cub Scouts
Fairfield Ward Elders Mike, Travis, Mike
Fairfield Ward Elders Click here!!!
To Learn about Farmers Insurance
Click Here
Cub scouts
Bike Rodeo (Outdoor fun for Cub Scouts)
Gold Rush (click here)
Space Derby for (Cub Scouts)
Fun compass requirement for (Boy Scouts)
Scout Law by John Wayne (Click here)
For Fishing in Missouri click Here
Choosing the right Lure, click here.
Family projects
for Robbie's Page click here.
The kids in St. Louis Summer 2000
Describe the Scout Badge.
The three points of the trefoil stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath.
The Eagle and Shield stand for freedom and a Scout's readiness to defend that freedom.
There are Two Stars on the badge. They symbolize truth and knowledge.
The shape of the Scout badge means that a Scout can point the right way in life as truly as does a compass in the field.
The knot at the bottom of the scroll represents the Scout slogan, Do a Good Turn Daily.
The Scroll bearing the Scout motto is turned up at the ends as a reminder that a Scout smiles as he does his duty.
This site is up and running, changes are being made to the calendar section, so please be patient. (6/10/03)-Last update