Welcome to the wonderful world of RVing and Fishing in Northern California. The RV information in these pages is mainly geared to the "Part Timer", but "Full Timers" will also find it useful.
It was suggested that I add a Site Map with all the links in this site to make it easier for viewers to find a specific page. As I add more and more things to this site it gets a little confusing trying to find something. The most recent addidtion is my activites for 2004.html
I retired from the Forest Service in 1994. Since then we have been living at Lake Tahoe, CA. Shortly after we retired we bought a Motorhome and spend a lot of time on the road. We are not "Full Timers", but we manage to spend about 6-8 weeks a year on the road. We try to take one "Long" and several weekend trips plus my fishing trips every year. If you want to learn more about us I have included a short biography and a Family Photo Album.
Volunteer Work
Due to my activities on a couple of RV Forums I was getting a lot of queries about Forest Service, BLM etc campgrounds. I started surfing the various government web sites and found some very good ones, and some very bad ones. I started writing the various Webmasters with suggestions on improving their web sites to make them "RV Friendly" and have gotten some very good responses from several of them. It would appear that most Webmasters are very interested in feedback from the "Customer" and are interested in improving their sites. Many of them expressed problems with personnel and budget cutbacks and lack or priorities. The bottom line is several of them have asked me if I would be interested in doing some volunteer work for them.
At the time I could not even spell "web page" so I decided to take some classes at the local community college to learn how to construct a web page. I am definitely not an expert, but I can do some of the simpler things. Since my main interest is camping, especially with an RV I have decided to concentrate on the Camping portions of the web sites. My goal in life at this point is to get every forest web site to have an interactive map showing the campground locations, with links to the campground information tables or pages.
My main reason for taking the Web Page classes was to acquire the skills to do some volunteer work for the Forest Service. I have experimented with a couple of pages while in class to see what skills I do have and what more I need to learn. The results of my efforts are at http://marina.fortunecity.com/zennor/436/.
I hope some of the Webmaster will look at what I have done, and if they are interested they can copy the pages I have worked on into their web sites. I also hope other Webmaster will be interested and give me some work to do for them.
Since I wrote this things have changed. Web pages have gotten very technical with many requirements to comply with countless accessibility requirements. As a result a poor amateur such as myself cannot make much of a contribution to the web page effort.
e-mail address: tahoedon4@cs.com