Dive Texas-ScubaMike's Log Book
Click for Scuba Babes and Hunks
The trip to the gulf.   It was the best of times and it was the worst of times.
I think there are some pictures coming.  Click here for some pictures.

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Last up date 02/27/03
Click here for "America's Most Dysfunctional Wet Suits".
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Check the green arrows for updates mate.
Places to Dive
The Coast

Texas has over 350 miles of coast line.  Best spots are the oil rigs off the coast.  They are minireefs and attract lots of marine life. 

Lakes: Most Texas lakes are man made.  Usually cold and limited visiblity they are cheap dive trips.  So far this year has been a disappointment for rain.  If this keeps up the lakes will go way down again. 
Rivers: In last year some towns passed new laws concerning use of rivers.  While they are still great dive sites check out the local laws.  Look for more updates on these great dive sites. 