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Important News:
Last Updated: 10/16/2000
Our next outdoor activity will be a Halloween Hike on Sunday, October 29th at a site to be announced. More information will be available at the October 16th meeting.
We have two more meetings this month: October 16th and October 30th. I hope everybody can attend, and if not, please contact your patrol leader or the Senior Patrol Leader.
Scouting For Food is coming up next month. Bag distribution will take place between November 10th and 12th, and you collect bags on November 18th and bring them to the Cos Cob Fire House.
There may be a hike and campout a weekend in November.
We are planing a Battleship Bay trip for the spring. We are currently working out the details, but lets hope everyone can attend. We had a great time three years ago when we went.