Shannon's Website from Basel


Me, about an hour old

On the 12th of August, 1999, I arrived (taking my own sweet time) into the arms of Mommy and Daddy. I could tell they were ecstatic to see me. Mommy was a little drugged and Daddy a little teary-eyed, but before I fell into a long, deep sleep, I saw they had these great big smiles on their faces.


my family

My full name is Shannon Carly Coen. My Mommy is Sabrina, and since I don't know HTML yet, she agreed to build this web page for me. My Daddy is William Brendan (aka Bill, aka Billy, aka Locust). He's funny and I can't help but smile every time he talks to me

personal interests

Strolling in the streets of Basel, taking baths in the "BIG" tub, flying in Daddy's arms, and of course, the obligatory sleeping, nursing and pooping...:)

latest news

I just got baptized by Mommy and Daddy's favorite pastor, Fr. Creedon. During the ceremony, I liked him so much, I wouldn't let go of his finger!!...And...I have FINALLY rolled over!!! Wuhuuu!!!...Aaaaaand, [insert drumroll] folks, I now have four - count 'em FOUR - tiny little teeth!!!!

favorite quote


goals and objectives

family albums

For some CUTE photos of me, please click here


my favorite pages

Mommy & Daddy's wedding - Where it all started
Phoenicia - Great Uncle Salim's website
Pain D'or - Grandpa Tony's website - All the Iskandars' websites
Harry Potter - My favorite reading time!

Please come back soon!...Mommy will be adding more photos as I get cuter and cuter...:):) (tee hee!) Bye!!!

Last update: Sept 19, 2000