Hello and Welcome to my little spot on the Web

My Name is Marty aka.....Diver Downs

My ICQ # is 16271903

"So if you would like to chat with me go ahead and look me up."

Now a little bit about myself:

I enjoy fishing, scuba diving, baseball, football and money i also enjoy a frosted glass of barq's root beer...Oops, can't forget that I enjoy Treasure Hunting with my son. I have had my computer for a short time and enjoy talking to most everyone. Yes i am addicted to this thing...I am always on. I am also married and have two children my sons' name is Tyler and he is 5 and my daughters' name is Kaleigh and she is 3. I'm sorry but don't have any pics to show you right now, but if and when I do I will share them with you. Well, there is more to come ......Just haven't gotten it all done yet, stay tuned.

Until then this is how cute they are.


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This page was created by: KH. 3/7/99.

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