Well it's about update time. It is now the year 2002. Vader and I have been backyard buddies for 3 years now. Since I was adopted from the SPCA, my life has changed dramatically. I knew I could coax my owner, Wes into taking me home on that hot day in 98. I now have a mother (Wes's wife Colleen). She is good to us. She gives us "special food" sometimes like Meaty bones or leftover spaghetti. It's a real treat.
Ahhh Pardon me..... I have to Yawn...!.
We like to go to the dog park and Dad teases us all the time. "Wanna gooooooo .................... to the park!!!?" Over their I try to meet as many dogs as possible. I like to harass them and show them my favorite moves while we wrestle.