to the
BSA Troop
We are located in Springfield, Missouri

We are proud to once again be a

Troop 24 is a member of the Ozark Trails Counsel, Trailblazer
district and is sponsored by National Avenue Christian Church. Our troop consists of 25
scouts divided into three patrols, the Cougars, Ravens and
Warriors. A portion of the
troop has just returned from a two week backpack trip at Rainbow Bridge in Grand Canyon NP.
Our troop has been active for four years. We meet weekly on
Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 at National Avenue Christian Church. Check the calendar for upcoming activities. Several troop menders will spend
a week at Camp Arrowhead, which is celebrating its 75th
anniversary this year, making it the oldest Boy Scout camp west of the Mississippi river.
The major fund raising activities include Christmas tree sales
in December and popcorn sales.

Our site is under construction so please check back again.
Please send
us !.
We love receiving mail---especially from other troops
Our page has been visited by people
since June 4, 1999