Your Host - Brian Graham
Carver, Pyrographer, and Teacher

If you have taken my courses check out the Picturetrail site below to see some pictures of the class and your work.
Beginner Carving and Wood Burning (Pyrography)Courses for the Fall of 2009 are listed below. If you want to get into carving come to my beginner carving course on Monday evenings - see further down this page for details.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Wood Carving! The aim of this site is to let you see my carvings and pyrography (wood burning); and to also keep you informed on my courses to get you involved in this great hobby. I have pictures from my own club, the Outaouais Wood Carvers. There is a column for Beginner Carvers and projects for Pyrographers. Carvers can also ask questions about my techniques which I have included with each picture of my work. Please contact me through my e-mail link at the bottom of each page. In the summer, I spend a lot of my time with my family carving at Elbow Lake, just 45 km north on HWY 38 from Kingston, Ontario, Canada. The rest of the year I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada's Capital. Enjoy the site!

The Hobby Hut at Elbow lake, Ontario is a wonderful place to carve!!
There are many old Basswood trees on the property. There are also Birch, Poplar, Maple, Sumac, Oak, and White pine.

Visit the following areas of the site by clicking on the title at the start of each section:

Note: If you are experiencing difficulty with too large or too small type, please click on 'View' and adjust 'Text Size' smaller or larger.

New Carvings and Pyrography (click here)

This carving of a backwoods cabin is carved in basswood 18" x 10" x 1.75" thick is from Ivan Willock's wonderful book "Relief Carving Techniques".

We have been working on carving and doing pyro on gourds at the Tuesday class. Some members of my class have been doing exciting work with the gourds. I tried this one for Haloween - you just need to put a small battery powered light in it. This pyro won a second place ribbon at the 2007 Pyro Celebration at the Sawmill Centre in Cooksburg, PA.

We have also been woodburning on boxes and then lining the boxes with flock or felt. The flocking technique is very useful, easier and less expensive than cutting felt. This picture shows the materials involved which can be obtained from Lee Valley Tools

My Experience & "In the Round"Carvings (click here)
"In The Round" Carving Price List (click here)

My Personal Background(click here)

Buy one of these beautiful carvings for a centrepiece for the dining room or living room table - a wonderful present!

Relief Carving Gallery (click here)

Relief Carving Price List (click here)
NEW NEW - Beginner Carving Course - Brookfield High School, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Monday Evening - 7-9 pm - Oct - Dec , 2009. If you are interested phone 613 239-2751 between 9 and 4 Monday to Friday, Sept 2009 to register.

Woodburning Gallery #1(click here)
Woodburning Gallery #2(click here)
Woodburning Gallery #3 (click here)
Woodburning Gallery #4 New Work (click here)
Woodburning Price List (click here)

Everyone wants a Pyrography of nature, like this mallard drake for their home or cottage!

Outaouais Wood Carver's Club Gallery (click here)
If you are in the Ottawa area please come out to our meetings and join our club. The club meets the first Wednesday of each month (Sept - June) at Woodroffe United Church, 207 Woodroffe Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Library and Store Open at 6:30; formal meeting with workshop or speaker at 7:00 pm. Web Site at: http://www.owcarvers.com

Relief Carving & Pyrography (Woodburning) Courses (more details)

Would you like to carve your own sign for your house or cottage? - Phone Brian at (613) 225-3432 to find a suitable time for you to take the course.
10 Week Pyrography (Woodburning)Course - Heron Seniors Centre, 1480 Heron Rd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Tuesdays, 9:30 -noon - Next Session - Sept - Nov, 2009
Phone Deb or Noreen at 247-4802 to register.

Beginner Pyrography (woodburning)Course - 3 weekdays (Thursdays). Course given at the Nepean Museum, 16 Rowley Ave., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Phone Brian at (613) 225-3432 for prices and dates and to register. Also you can e-mail brian at the email address near the bottom of this page.

Click here to view Class Pictures at PictureTrail

**** Pyrography Projects - In Colour!! - ****

Pyrography (Woodburning) Project #1 Squirrel
Project for the Beginner Woodburner

Drawing of squirrel to copy

Pyrography (Woodburning) Project #2 Rabbit
Project for the Intermediate Woodburner

Drawing of rabbit to copy

On-line Beginner Carving Lessons (click here)

Topics covered: Getting Started; Carving tools; A place to Carve; What wood to Carve; Sharpening Your Tools; Woodburning; Finishing, Competitions; and Selling Your Work

Gallery of Commissioned Work (click here)

******Please see NEW SIGNS in Gallery******

NOTE: Commissions for 'in the round', relief or pyrographic work are accepted. Please send picture, size you would like, and date you would need the work by; and you will be notified of the price and a date when the item can be finished by.

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Please click on this to visit My Favourite Carving and Pyrography Links - These are great! Updated Mar 2009

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Brian Graham is proud to be a MEMBER of NWCA!

A Proud Member of the International Association of Pyrographic Artists
Click here to go to the IAPA Site

Last Updated on May 2, 2009 by Brian Graham (E-mail)

The 2009 Inroads Studio Tour will be on Sept. 5,6 & 7. I will not be personally on the Tour this year.
Click here to go to Inroads Studio Tour Web Site