Boy Scouts of America
Unofficial Historical Page




Isaac Michalowski
I have embarked on an endeavor to document
the history of Brooklyn Council, which is part of the Greater New York
Councils. Serving as Vice chairman of Programs for for the
past 7 years I have noticed a lot of change and a lot history. I want to
document this as well as all things that made our council what it is today.
I need your input.
Scanned images
Copies of those old hand outs
District maps, those that are tucked away way back in that scout filing
Past district and council members (Chairman's, Commissioners etc.)
Past district and council Professional (Executives).
Special events that went on along with their patches (scanned).
Your stories, memories.
TMR Summer Camp
OA Lodge Chiefs, member roster lists, Chapter Chiefs Advisors
What ever you got regarding Brooklyn Council or any of it's many past districts
Hopefully as I get them I will place some of the more interesting information
her on the web site.
Just like it's history, this web sight
is a living web site, constantly growing, constantly changing.
Please sign in the guest book.
Pass along what you have.
Isaac Michalowski
Vice Chairman of Programs
Breukelen District
Brooklyn Council GNYC
"It's not my job to document the past.
But it is my job not to forget it "
If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
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