Welcome to our web site. My name is Alan Gibson and I am the secretary-treasure of our reginal pumpkin group. My nephew, Brad Gibson is our link to the internet.
The Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers is a group of over 200 enthusiasts based in North East Ohio. Membership is open to anyone at $15.00 US or $20.00 Outside the US. Dues include 3 newsletters per year, a summer tour and picnic, winter seminar, and weigh-off on October 4th, 1997.
We are affiliated with the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth. Our site co-ordinator is Tim Parks who also is a national director of the GPA
The OVGPG try to grow the largest pumpkins possible but we also enjoy the friendships and good sportsmanship.
This winter we are conducting our annual seed sale. Atlantic Giant Pumpkin seeds (Dillpup) are available from our largest pumpkins (446#-884#).
Ohio Valley Giant Pumpkin Growers
4576 SR9
Salem, OH 44460
We would be glad to send you information on our newsletters, seed sale, winter seminar, and summer tour/picnic.
It would also be possible to contact my nephew Brad via email, and he will forward the messages to our organization. Please use the address or link below.