Established November, 1988 - Sponored by the Jefferson City, Mo. First Baptist Church |
Merit Badge Classes - Central Methodist College at Fayette - Saturday Nov. 7th - sign-up at Troop Meeting on Nov. 1st. Wilson's Creek Battlefield Campout - Nov. 20-22 - Sign up by Nov. 16th - Side trip to Bass Pro Outdoor World. Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Contact Marshall Albertson for service hours. Seabase High Adventure - Make sure that you have paid all your money - Check with Mrs. Krattli - Departing Dec. 27th 4:00 a.m. for St. Louis returning Jan. 3rd Ski Trip - Plan now for the Ski junket and junk food outing in Jan., 1999 - probably the third weekend. |
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since January 1, 1998
Page updated 10/30/98 - This page is designed and maintained by the Scouts of Troop 11, comments are appreciated. Please E-mail your thoughts to cwrigley@services.state.mo.us
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