
Established November, 1988 - Sponored by the Jefferson City, Mo. First Baptist Church



Quick Scan - Current Events

Merit Badge Classes - Central Methodist College at Fayette - Saturday Nov. 7th - sign-up at Troop Meeting on Nov. 1st.

Wilson's Creek Battlefield Campout - Nov. 20-22 - Sign up by Nov. 16th - Side trip to Bass Pro Outdoor World.

Salvation Army Bell Ringing - Contact Marshall Albertson for service hours.

Seabase High Adventure - Make sure that you have paid all your money - Check with Mrs. Krattli - Departing Dec. 27th 4:00 a.m. for St. Louis returning Jan. 3rd

Ski Trip - Plan now for the Ski junket and junk food outing in Jan., 1999 - probably the third weekend.

Troop 11 is located in Jefferson City in the heart of Missouri and home for the state capitol. Within the immediate area of Jefferson City we have more than 15 Cub Scout Packs and 18 Boy Scout Troops, Varsity Teams, and Explorer Posts. Five of earliest Jefferson City Troops where formed in 1917 and are still thriving. Troop 11 was formed in 1988 by the First Baptist Church with six Scouts. We now number more than 73 Scouts, 17 Eagle Scouts, and 35 Adult leaders.


You are the visitor since January 1, 1998

Page updated 10/30/98 - This page is designed and maintained by the Scouts of Troop 11, comments are appreciated. Please E-mail your thoughts to

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